Saturday, November 24, 2012

22 Weeks!

I'm a little late on posting for this week.  I went back to work at the salon and I haven't just been sitting around doin nothing! lol!  I am really enjoying being back at the salon! I love the people in Quartszite!  They are all 'Old' snowbirds and just so fun to visit with! I also get to do lots of perms, which I enjoy, so it's working out great!  I had my monthly appointment on Halloween! I was SO happy to go an hear the baby's heartbeat! Doctor said everything looks good so far. I go in for another ultrasound on the 29th of Nov. and I get to do the lovely glucose test :/ The nurse told me I had to do it this coming week and I was stressing because I'm going to be in Utah!!!!! YAY!! and I did NOT want to have to drive all the way down to Yuma again, just for this test. The doctor came in and asked if the nurse had told me about the glucose test and I said yes, with a little worry in my voice, and he looked and me and said, (knowing I live an hour and a half from the office)  "Do me a favor. Just do it on your next appointment. There is no reason for you to have to drive all the way down here just for that."  I have the BEST doctor EVER!!! He assured me that it didn't need to be done right away and I would be fine to wait until I was down there again! He is SO considerate, I just love him!!
Halloween night, we got dressed up and went with our friends and their kids trick or treating! Roxy and I were dressed as fairies and Nick was some scary guy with a scary mask! We had fun going around their neighborhood and then we went to our wards "trunk or treat".  It was a lot different than any other trunk or treat I've been to.  Everyone sat in a BIG circle on lawn chairs and all the kids walked around and got candy.  It was different but HOLY COW did they get A LOT of candy!
I am heading to Utah this week for my baby showers and I CAN'T WAIT! This will be the last time I will be in utah without a baby..... CRAZY!!

How far along? 22 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Not sure.. probably gained though
Maternity clothes? Still wearing my normal clothes
Stretch marks? So many :(
Sleep: Not so good. 
  Best moment this week: Just being able to feel the baby move. 

Miss anything? my family
Food cravings: Training Table... Can't wait
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Belly button in or out? In
Movement: Yes!! So fun!
Body Aches: My tummy has felt like it has stretched SO FAR. I have had some not so great pains in the belly. But its ok because that can only mean baby is growing!
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Going to Utah!!

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